

Hi, thanks for stopping by, I’m thrilled to have you! I’m Selina and when I’m not in my home recording studio, or kitchen, I’m exercising or practicing yoga.

My voice acting career evolved over years and has its roots in a rural North Carolina radio station where I began my career in radio broadcasting decades ago.

My passion for clean eating and healthy living is more recent. After losing my father in 2010 from mostly preventable causes, I began to educate myself on healthy eating and alternative health practices. The more I learned, the more my passion grew, and I eventually earned a certification in Integrative Nutrition.



This website and blog are for informational and educational purposes only. Statements have not been approved by the FDA. The reader assumes full responsibility for consulting a qualified health professional before starting a new diet or health program. The writer(s) and publisher(s) of this site and blog are not responsible for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any recipes or suggestions herein or procedures undertaken hereafter.

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